Süt dişleri 6. Aydan itibaren çıkmaya başlar ve yaklaşık 3 yaş civarında tamamlanmış olur. 6 yaşından itibaren de yerini kalıcı dişlere bırakmaya başlar.
Fissür örtücü, azı dişlerinin çiğneyici yüzeylerine uygulanan koruyucu maddelerdir.
The wisdom teeth are the third molars located at the back of the jaw.
Jaw and facial fractures are usually seen as a result of traffic accidents, occupational accidents or assault and affect functions such as aesthetics, chewing and speech.
Composite fillers are fillers obtained using ceramics and various chemical components.
Tooth extraction is the removal of teeth that cannot be saved under anesthesia. Local anesthesia is applied and the tooth is loosened and removed. Doctor’s recommendations should be followed before and after extraction.
We keep all our communication channels open for our patients to reach us in the easiest way possible.
We work wholeheartedly for your dental health and care about your satisfaction so that you can have the most beautiful smile.
At our clinic, we are ready to solve your urgent dental problems at any time of the day, on weekends and holidays.